Trike Weight-Shift Control LSA

Green Goddess REVO Weight-Shift Control Aircraft
Green Goddess REVO Trike

Learning to Fly a Trike

Fulfill your dream and discover your passion of flying. With the serenity of high altitude, you’ll see the beauty of life with a different perspective. Every pilot has a different story. The journey of earning your pilot’s license will vary with your goals, time, money, and commitment. Learning to fly is easier than it seems. Whether you can only commit to one lesson a month, or multiple per week, we will work together to help you achieve your goals. Flying the trike is a one of a kind experience. Although the REVO is a high performance aircraft, there are many trikes that fly at relatively slower speeds allowing you to soak up every moment. Soar above your favorite places and see the sights from a completely different point of view.  If you’ve ever wanted to hang glide, this powered hang glider is the perfect opportunity to feel what it’s like without running off of a mountain. 

Discovery Flight

An introductory Weight-Shift Control flight lesson allows you to have a first-hand experience of flying a trike under the supervision of an FAA flight instructor. Pursuing your passion always starts with one small step. Discovery flights are a great opportunity to meet your instructor, try out different aircraft, and have fun without the full commitment of pilot training.

Schedule your discovery flight today.